The main objective of this report is to equip the centers with the enrollment & withdrawal counts, program enrollment counts, and the FTE counts for the given period of time. This will help the centers to plan for future enrollments. 

The Enrollment/Withdrawal Report for the center provides the following for any given period:

1. Enrollment Counts

2. Withdrawal Counts

3. Total Current Enrolled Counts

4. Count based on the filter (program / classroom / age group)

5. FTE count based on the filter (program / classroom / age group)

6. New Enrollment Details

Access Path : Center Dashboard > Reports > Enrollment/Withdrawal Report 

Note : Enrollment/Withdrawal Report includes only the detail of active,incoming,Covid-19 and inactive children. It won't include the details of waitlist children. 

Calculations of Enrollment/Withdrawal :

Enrollment / Withdrawal counts are calculated based on the children's 'Enrollment Start Date' and 'Withdrawal date'.   

Calculations of Count #'s and FTE #'s Count:

1. Count #s :

This section of the report explains the programs present in the center and its enrollments. The 'Program Enrollment Start Date' is the base date for Count #'s calculation.

2. FTE's Count :

This section of the report explains the FTE efficiency of the active programs in the center. The Full-Time Equivalent or FTE #'s Count calculation uses the Program Start Date as its base date.


Note: Since a child can have a multiple program enrollments,there may be mismatches on the Total Current Enrolled #'s and the Total of Count #'s (including the Not Assigned)

Details of Newly Enrolled Child(ren) and Withdrawn Child(ren) :

New Enrollment Details consist of the basic details of the child with the program and tuition details. 

Withdrawal details consist of the child's basic details with withdrawal reason and date.