This User Guide explains the functionality of roles in the 1Core system including how to add a new role. 1Core is a role-based system, meaning each user is assigned a role which determines access and available functions for that user.
Each 1Core account is pre-configured with a designated “Company Super User” role. This role has the highest access in the system. This user can create roles and add additional users to access 1Core.
Note: The Role Management function is only available to the Company Super User and Franchise Admin.
Access Path: Company Dashboard->Role Management
The system will automatically create the below mentioned roles by default when a Company is added in 1Core.
- Customer Support --> Role applicable for 1Core Customer Support Users only.
- Company Super User--> Role applicable for Company Owners and other person authorized by the Owners.
- Company Admin --> Role applicable for Company level administration Users.
- Location Director --> Role applicable for Single Location. This User will be able to view only the Center Level permissions and will not have access for Company level Setup.
Since these roles are system defined, the user can only view the Permission level for them, they will not be able to edit or modify the access level.
- By choosing “Edit” the user will have the ability to make changes for that specified function.
- By choosing “Read Only” the user can access the function but cannot make changes.
- “No Access” disables the user from viewing or accessing the function.
Add New Role:
1Core also offers the Admin User a facility to add a new Custom Role anytime whenever required, when the existing roles do not meet their needs.
Access Path: Company Dashboardà Role Managementà Add New
- Provide a Name for the Role
- Select the Role Type
- Save.
Once after when the Role is created the User can edit the permission and change the level of access for Company and Center Level modules as required.
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