1.Center Dashboard Changes

2.Program Enrollment Dashboard – New Incoming Status (NEW)

3.Parent Can Use Same Email Address Across Companies

4.Use the same email across the portals (director, staff, family)

5.Child Profile – Changes

6.Child - Program & Billing Changes

7.Provision to View Updates Made by Parent via Family Portal

8.Displays E-Signed Document under Online Forms even after the Program is deleted under child Program Page

9.Ability to pay the Registration Fee for Canada (Bambora) – Program Enrollment

10.Visitor Health Screening – New

1.Center Dashboard Changes

Center Dashboard has been revised as follows.

Newly Enrolled     àDisplay the no of Newly Enrolled in the last 30 days

To be Enrolled       àDisplay the no of Incoming child record with in the next 30 Day period.


To be Withdrawn àDisplay the no of child record to be withdrawn with in the next 30 Day period.


1.1 Capacity Screenshot

1.2 Enrolled Screenshot

The programs with Active and Completed status are included in the Enrolled count.

The programs with Deleted status are not included in this count.

1.3 Enrolled FTE Screenshot

1.4 Occupancy Screenshot 

1.5 New Applications Screenshot

1.6 Newly Enrolled Screenshot

1.7 Incoming Screenshot

1.8 To be Withdrawn Screenshot

2.Program Enrollment Dashboard – New Incoming Status (NEW)

 1Core has introduced a new status “Incoming” under Program Enrollment Dashboard.

  • Enrolled – It will display the children whose Enrollment Start Date is within the current date and display the programs irrespective of the status. 
  • Incoming - It will display the children with future Enrollment Start Date

The column name “Enrolled Date/Desired Enrollment Start Date” is changed as “Program Start Date” in all the following places:

  • New Application Tab
  • Change Program Request Tab
  • Waitlist Tab
  • Enrollment Offer Tab
  • Declined Tab

3.Parent Can Use Same Email Address Across Companies

Now, 1Core allows the parents to use the same email address across companies (multiple Schools)

Key points regarding this implementation:

Company/Center Perspective:

  • No changes in the functionality or flow.

Manage Parent Accounts:

  • Parent email address and password is unique across the companies. When the email/password is updated in one company, parent must use the updated email and password for other company too. Email address change is applied on Family Record of both the companies.

  •   When the parent user account is made inactive in a company, it will not create any impact with the parent account in other company. The Parent will be able to login with other company.

  • Email Template for Family Portal Invitation has been modified and the image is provided below for the same


Parent Perspective:

  • When a parent login through the Family Portal, they will be provided with a center selection screen.


  • When a parent registers through Program/Camp enrollment using the 1Core link, the system automatically will redirect them to the respective center.  Here, parent will not be provided with the center selection.


  • When the parent changes the email address in their Family Portal, it will be updated under the family records with all the associated Companies and its Centers.


“ABC Schools” has two centers associated with it “DAV School” and “SBOA School”.

“XYZ Schools” has one center named “Manhattan”.

Multi-center selection across companies:

Family Portal Invitation:

4.Use the same email across the portals (director, staff, family)

Earlier, same email address cannot be used with multiple portals. Registration and login issues were there when they use the same email address for Parent/Staff/Director. 

Now, the same email address can be used in following portals:

Example: [email protected] can be registered and used with all three portals.

5.Child Profile – Changes

The following highlighted fields are moved to the Child Information Section. Earlier this was part of Class Information section.

  • Child ID Code
  • Child Status
  • Enrollment Start Date 
  • Withdrawal Date 
  • Withdrawal Reason

Access Path: Center Dashboard à Children à Select Child

6.Child - Program & Billing Changes


7.Provision to View Updates Made by Parent via Family Portal

Now, 1Core provides the ability to view the updates made by a parent through Family Portal. 

This option will be displayed under Functions regardless of updates. 

Access path: Center Dashboard à Functions à Family Records à View Updates Made via Family Portal

8.Displays E-Signed Document under Online Forms even after the Program is deleted under child Program Page

Now, the E-Signed documents are displayed under the families Online Forms even though the program is deleted in the child’s program page.

9.Ability to pay the Registration Fee for Canada (Bambora) – Program Enrollment


Earlier, if the center has the Registration Fee for the Program Enrollment, then it is not implemented in the Enrollment Offer flow. So, the payment failed while processing the Registration Fee.

Now, the Parent can enroll the program after paying the Registration Fee successfully in the Enrollment Offer flow.

10.Visitor Health Screening – New


1Core introduces a new function “Visitor management”. Here, the User can add the visitor and collect the answers for health screening questions.

Based on their answers, the visitor will/will not be allowed inside the School.

Access Path: Center Dashboard à Functions à Visitor Health Screening à Visitor Health Screen