1. Families

1.1. Ability to retain the search text and the ability to toggle between results on the Families Page

To ease your search experience on the Families record list, 1Core has now come with a new search text retain option and an option to toggle between the results.

Access Path: Center Dashboard > Families

Now, two similar results for your search keyword Kevin have been shown to you and you want to find out which Kevin is your intended Kevin from the search. 

You can find that by using two methods,

  • Using Family Status Filter
  • Toggling between Family Profile pages.

Using Family Status Filter :

After getting your results, use the Family Status drop down to filter the search results according to your needs to single out the intended result.

Toggling Between Family Profile Pages:

Select any one of the results and use the Back and Next toggle arrows present on the upper right corner of the family profile page to toggle between the results to find out the intended search result.

 1.2. Ability to view the Sponsor/Co-Sponsor contact details

 You can now view the sponsor/co-sponsor's contact details with Mobile, Home, and Work numbers (15 digits) by selecting the contact icon left to the Parent(s) name on the Families page.

Access Path: Center Dashboard > Families 

1.3. Ability to delete the Co-Sponsor on the Family Profile page

Now you can delete the Co-Sponsor on the Family Profile page. You cannot delete the Co-Sponsor record under certain conditions,

  • You cannot delete a Co-Sponsor if they registered from the Family Portal.
  • You cannot delete a Co-Sponsor if they got a TAP/TPD funding account registered on them.
  • You cannot delete a Co-Sponsor if they got billing and ledger for a child.

1.4. Ability to send an email directly to the parents on the Families page

You can now send emails to parents on the Family profile page. Select the mail icon right to the parents name and a bubble text will open with the parent's mail address. You can send the mail by selecting the email address on the bubble text. 

Access Path: Center Dashboard > Families > Edit Family > Mail Icon

1.5. Ability to edit the Authorized Person Name on the Authorized Person Page

Earlier there was no option to change the Authorized Person's Name on the Authorized Person page

Now, You can edit the Authorised Person Name in different ways. You can edit the Authorized Person Name on the Authorized Person page or If the Authorized person is a registered parent then you can directly edit the parent Name on the Family Profile page. 

The changes made on one page will reflect back to the other.


2.1. Ability to sort the children list by their DOB

1Core introduced a sorting icon to the right of the 'DATE OF BIRTH' column in the Children List. You can now sort the enrolled children by their Date of Birth.  

Access Path: Center Dashboard > Children > Children List View

2.2. Ability to retain the search text and the ability to toggle between results on the Children Page

To ease your search experience on the Children record list, 1Core has now come with a new search text retain option and an option to toggle between the results.

Access Path: Center Dashboard > Children

Earlier in the More Filters option, only the 'Active' option was enabled. But now to give 

a comprehensive search experience and results, 'All' options will be selected by default.

2.3. Ability to view the deleted program billing in the View History

Earlier there was no provision to view the 'Deleted' Program Billings and Attendance Billings through the View History option.

Now you can view the 'Deleted' Program and Attendance Billings through the View History option.

You can even view the details of who modified the billing record and when it got modified. 

Access Path: Center Dashboard > Children > Child Profile > Program and Billing 

3. Staff

3.1. Ability to Sort the Staff Records list by Staff's First and Last Name 

Earlier First and Last Names of the Staffs were kept as a combined entity in a single column in the Staff Records list. 

Now, 1Core has split the First and Last Names into separate columns adjacent to each other and a sorting option is introduced in the First and Last Names to sort the record by their name. 

By default, the list will be sorted by the Last Name of the Staffs. 

Access Path: Center Dashboard > Staff

 3.2. Ability to retain the search text and the ability to toggle between results on the Staff Page

To ease your search experience on the Staff record list, 1Core has now come with a new search text retain option and an option to toggle between the results.

Access Path: Center Dashboard > Staff

3.3. Enhancements in the Batch Staff PTO Updates

1Core comes with new enhancements in the Batch PTO Updates option. 

Access Path : Center Dashboard > Functions > Staff > Batch Staff  PTO Updates

4. Program Enrollment

4.1. Enhancements on the Program Setup page

1Core made important user interface enhancements on the Program Setup page. Now, you can view the Currently enrolled children list, count, and FTE value by selecting the Currently Enrolled icon on the program list.

Access Path: Center Dashboard > Setup > Programs and Fees > Program Setup

Selecting the 'Currently Enrolled' option will take you to the detailed program details list which contains the children's names, age groups, classrooms, FTE values, and Program dates.

4.2. Ability to collect/edit 'Registration Fee' at the Program level

Earlier, if you configure 'Registration Fee' in the Program Enrollment then all programs in the enrollment will have the set Registration Fee.

Now, 1Core allows you to configure the 'Registration Fee' at the program level. You can enable/disable the Registration Fee for every program. 

If you want to set the Registration Fee for the program, select the 'Yes' in the 'Do You Want to Collect a Different Registration Fee for this Program?' option. 

If you don't want to collect the Registration Fee for the particular program, select the 'Yes' radio button and change the amount entered in the 'Center Registration Fee' to Zero. 

If you select 'No' for the 'Do You Want to Collect a Different Registration Fee for this Program?' option then the program will be configured with the regular 'Registration Fee'.

Access Path : Center Dashboard > Setup > Program Enrollment > Program and Fees

You can change the Registration Fee and other Fee details even after you saved the program. Go to the Program Setup page of a program and edit the set Registration and Other Fees details.

4.3. Ability to collect 'Funding Account' at Program Enrollment level 

Now you can collect the Funding Account at the Center level on the Payment, Fees and Discount Setup page. You have been provided with an option to enable/disable the funding account collection and store before sending the invite to the parents.

Using the 'Do you want to collect and store the Funding Account' option, you can enable an option to collect the funding account details from the parents and store them for future use. 

Access Path: Center Dashboard > Setup > Program Enrollment > Payment, Fees and Discount Setup

4.4. Ability to add 'Other Fees' at Payment, Fees and Discount Setup

Now you can configure new fees other than Registration Fee, Security Deposit and Tuition. The Fee other than the Registration, Security Deposit, and Tuition is labeled 'Other Fees'. 

You can add multiple different fees with Recurring and One Time billing cycle to the program using the 'Add Other Fees' button from the 'Payment, Fees and Discount Setup' page.

The entered 'Other Fees' will be collected from the parents during the Funding Account Creation.

Access Path: Center Dashboard > Setup > Program Enrollment > Payment, Fees and Discount Setup

Note: If the Other Fee is set as Recurring, it will be created as Recurring billing on the Child page and processed with the same billing cycle set for the program.
If the Other Fee is set as One Time, it will be processed only once at the time of funding account creation.

4.5. Changes in the Enrollment Offer flow

1Core made some important changes in the 'Invite a Parent to Enroll' option.

List of enhancements:

  • Ability to offer a program with ZERO tuition fee
  • Ability to enable/disable the funding account collection and store on the 'Invite a Parent to Enroll' page
  • Ability to choose Subsidized status of a family on the 'Invite a Parent to Enroll' page
  • Ability to enable/disable the Added Other Fees on the 'Invite a Parent to Enroll' page
  • Ability to customize the Monthly tuition, Security Deposit, and Registration Fee at the child level

Now you can edit the Billing cycle and Fees on the Invite a Parent to Enroll page. 

If you want to charge a family with a 'Zero Tuition fee', change the Monthly Tuition amount to Zero. So the parent won't be charged with any tuition charge for this program.

4.6. Changes in the Program Enrollment Dashboard

Placement of the Delete option icon present in the New Applications list, Waitlist list, Enrollment Offered, Enrolled, Incoming, and Declined under the Program Enrollment Management page are now repositioned. 

Now You can delete an enrollment record by selecting the particular enrollment record.

Access Path: Center Dashboard > Program Enrollment

Screenshot of old Program Enrollment Management page.

Screenshot of New Program Enrollment Management Page

5. Online Tuition Payment

5.1. Ability to collect the Billing Address on the Card Swipe Payment page

Many Payment Providers have mandated the requirement of billing address for a successful transaction in the card payment billing and it is also very crucial for the refund of failed card bill payment.

Keeping these in mind, 1Core has now added a new option to collect the Billing Address on the Card Swipe Payment page. You can collect the Billing Address of Parent 1/ Parent 2.

If you want to collect the Billing Address to something other than Parent 1/ Parent 2's address, you can do that by selecting the 'Other Address' option and the entered 'Other Address' can be used for future billings

Access Path: Center Dashboard >Online Tuition Payment > Card Swipe Payment > Process Card Swipe Payment

6. Reports 

6.1. Mailing Address Label (Avery 5160) - Ability to create a label for Parent #2

You can now create a label for Parent #2. Earlier, you can only create a label for Parent #1. Now you can choose between Parent #1 and Parent #2 for label creation.

Access Path: Center Dashboard > Reports > Family and Child > Mailing Address Label (Avery 5160)

6.2. Children Checked In Without Health Screening

1Core introduces a new report to check the children who are all checked in without Health Screening. 

Access Path: Center Dashboard > Reports > Daily Health Screening > Children Checked In Without Health Screening


7. Company Dashboard 

7.1. Ability to carry out Parent Account Search with the help of Parent's Cell/Home/Work Phone numbers

Earlier, there was no option to find a parent account using their Cell/Home/Work phone numbers on the User Management page. 

Now, 1Core has come with a new option to carry out Parent Account Search with the help of parent's Cell/Home/Work phone number on the User Management Page under Company Dashboard.

For this search, you can use full/part of their phone number to generate a result.

Access Path : Company Dashboard > Users > Parent Account Search