1Core has now introduced the 'Daily Health Screening Questionnaire' for 1Core Class App via the 1Core Web mode.

Company Level Setup

To enable the 'Daily Health Screening Questionnaire' for your company level, contact 1Core solution's Customer service executive.

After getting 1Core Class enabled for your company, you can select 1Core Class App applicability for the center level using the 'Daily Health Screen Setup' options present in the 'Setup'.

Selecting the 'Select Centers to Enable  Daily Health Screening' button will take you to the center selection page. 

Center Level Setup

After enabling it for centers, now you can configure the center level setting at the center level dashboard.

Access Path : Center Dashboard > Setup > Attendence > Daily Health Screening Setup

Selecting the 'Add Question' button will open the 'Add Health Screen Question' dialogue box. In the 'Add Health Screening Quesiton' dialogue box, you can select the answer type between Yes/No or Text answer. 

1Core Class App - Daily Health Screening

Select the 'Health Screening' option from the 1Core Class App dashboard.

After submitting your response, the Child Sign In dialogue box screen will appear. You can use the QR code on the screen or the Sign In by staff option to sign in a child to the center.


After the successful signed-in of a child, the child's profile will have the Health Screen badge on it. 

To view the successful health screening in the 1Core Web, go to the children profile page in the center dashboard. 

Access Path : Center Dashboard > Children > Select a Child > Health Screen icon