1. Chat Feature Between 1Core Class and Staff App

2. Enabling Messaging Feature at Company Level

3.  Messaging From 1Core Class to 1Core Staff App

4. Messaging From 1Core Staff to 1Core Class App

1. Chat Feature Between 1Core Class and Staff App

1Core has now introduced the Two Way Messaging feature between 1Core Class and Staff App. The company super users and location directors can send messages to staff (except for the classroom role). 

2. Enabling Messaging Feature at Company Level

You can enable or disable the 'Two Way Messaging between 1Core Class and Staff app'  feature using the 'Is Staff Chat Applicable' option at the Company Level. 

Access Path : Company Dashboard > Users > Admin / Staff Search

3.  Messaging From 1Core Class to 1Core Staff App

As a Company Super User / Company Admin / Location Director, You can message the staff using the messages icon present on the home screen. 

Note : The messages option is available both in the collapsible profile section and home screen header. 

Clicking the 'Messages' option will take you to the 'Messages' screen.

Clicking the 'Staff Messages' option will open the 'Individual Message' screen and it will have the list of staff present in that center. You need to select staff from the list to start the chat. 

4. Messaging From 1Core Staff to 1Core Class App

As a Staff App user, you can message the Location Directors/Company Super Users/Admin Users using the Staff App. 

Note : The messages option is available both in the collapsible profile section and home screen header. 

Select the 'Messages' option to open the 'Messages screen. 

On the messages screen, select the 'Compose' icon to open your contact list where you can see all the super users, company admins, location directors, and fellow staff. 

Note: By default, you can only perform Staff App to Class App messaging. If you want to perform Staff App to Staff App messaging (Staff to Staff Message), you need to contact the 1CoreSolution Customer Support to enable the feature. 

After selecting the contact, you can type and send the messages to them.


Note: You will receive message notifications in the Staff app like the Class app.