1. Introduction

Enrollment and Financial Projection Report provides you the past, present & future enrollment and financial data of the center.  The past & present uses the actual data and the future uses the projected data.

You can generate this report for any 10 months period with the ability to group by Age Group / Classroom / Program.

Based on the Group By filter, this report provides the following components individually and as a summary.

Enrollment Projection: 

    1. Enrolled     2. Capacity     3. FTE 

Financial Projection:


    1. Tuition       2. Other Charges     3. Discounts     4. Net Revenue     5. Average FTE Revenue 

    6. Occupancy Percentage

This report includes the Active, Incoming, Covid-19, and Inactive children present in the center. 

Access Path : Center Dashboard > Reports > Enrollment and Financial Projection 

2. Group By

You can generate enrollment and financial projection report with 'Three Group By' filters. 

1. Age Group 

2. Classroom

3. Program 

2.1. Age Group 

You can generate this report based on the 'Age Group(s)' mapped in the child's profile. 

Enrolled - Based on the child's 'Enrollment Start Date'

Capacity - Based on the child's 'Classroom Capacity'

FTE - Based on the 'Child's Program Schedule FTE'

IncomingBased on the child's 'Enrollment Start Date' 

Withdrawn Based on the child's 'Withdrawal Date'

Note : The 'Summary' part of the report will be same for the 'Age Group' and 'Classroom' group by filters. But the 'Summary' part of the 'Program' group by filter will not have 'Capacity' projection on it. 

To map 'Age Group' to the 'Classroom' setup:

Access Path : Center Dashboard > Setup > Classroom 

Note: If you couldn't locate the Age Group drop down on the classroom setup dialog box, please contact the 1Core Support Team for enabling the option. 

2.2. Classroom

You can generate the report based on the 'Classroom(s)' mapped in the child profile.

Enrolled - Based on the child's 'Enrollment Start Date'

Capacity - Based on the child's 'Classroom Capacity'

FTE - Based on the 'Child's Program Schedule FTE'

Incoming - Based on the child's 'Enrollment Start Date' 

Withdrawn - Based on the child's 'Withdrawal Date' 

2.3. Program 

You can generate the report based on the 'Program' present in the center.  

Enrolled - Based on the 'Program Start Date'

Capacity - Based on the 'Child's Classroom Capacity'

FTE - Based on the 'Child's Program Schedule FTE'

Incoming - Based on the child's 'Enrollment Start Date' 

Withdrawn - Based on the child's 'Withdrawal Date' 

Note : Since, the Drop in Programs are attendance based, you can only view the program wise projections(enrollment and financial). But the summary's  financial part (Tuition, Other Charges, Discounts, Net Revenue and Avg FTE Revenue) won't take the drop in future numbers in to calculation, because of its uncertainty.  

3. Fix Now Alert

If there is any discrepancy in the entered center capacity, classroom age group/capacity, and FTE value for children, you will encounter an alert screen before entering into the 'Enrollment and Financial Projection Report'.  

You can either skip the alert(s) or fix it. 

Fixing the Center Capacity issue,

Fixing the FTE value for children issue,


1. Is the 'Enrolled' count inclusive of 'Incoming' and 'Withdrawn'?

Yes, the 'Enrolled' count is inclusive of 'Incoming' and 'Withdrawn' children.

This is because both incoming and withdrawal happen within the month. So technically both 'Incoming' and 'Withdrawn' children will be in the center for at least some part of the month.

2. Will the children count match enrolled count in enrollment and financial projection report?

Since the enrollment and financial projection report is based on the child's enrollment start and withdrawal date, the child count will match the enrolled count perfectly in the enrollment and financial projection report. 

By choosing your desired period, you can view the enrollments that have been made in the past which may or may not be active in the present.


3. Will the incoming status children be included in the enrollment and financial projection report?

The answer is 'Yes'. The report projection will include the children with incoming status.