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Getting Started Guide + FAQ




This is a quick Getting Started Guide in 1Core.   

The URL to access the 1Core login page: https://app.1core.com 


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The left panel on the application contains all the modules, Setup, Functions and Report for the center. 


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Under the Families module, user can 

  • Click on the Family Account Key (FAK) to view/edit family information

Once within the selected family you can access the child(ren) records for that family

  • Under ACTION, click on the 3-dots to see actions that you can do for a selected family
    1. View Ledger entries 
    2. Family Information sheet 
    3. Authorized person information
    4. Access account statement
    5. Family Online Forms (Licensing, enrollment agreement, etc..)


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Under the Children module, user can 

  • Click on the child’s name to view the child detail Info 
  • Under ACTION, access 
    1. Program and Billing 
    2. Assigning Programs to Children Child Timecard access
    3. Child Emergency / Authorized pickup Contact info access
  • “9 dots” on the upper right corner will allow you quick access to different action 

items for that specific family 






Under the Ledger module, user can 

  • Overall balances for ALL the families on the top
  • Click on the Family Account Key (FAK) to view the detail ledger records of a selected family

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Within the Family Detail Ledger Records, user can 

  • Manually post ledger entry under “Post Ledger Item
  • Void a ledger transaction

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Online Tuition Payment 

1Core offers 2 online payment flows:

Tuition Auto Pay (TAP):  TAP is director/center centric, meaning the parents enroll in TAP once which gives the center authorization to draft their bank or credit card account for tuition payment each billing period. 

Tuition Pay Direct (TPD): TPD is parent-centric, meaning the parents retain the control to setup recurring payments and/or make a one-time payment as needed.

Note: If your center only offers only one flow (e.g. TAP), then you will only see TAP on the menu.  If you offer both (TAP and TPD), then you will see Online Tuition Payment.

On the Online Tuition Payment home page, a user can 

  • Send TAP/TPD enrollment invitation to families
  • View number of families enrolled in TAP/TPD
  • Process TAP payments for all families 
  • Review TPD payment status 

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1Core helps the user manage their staff records and collect time card data for payroll. Note: 1Core does not process payroll directly.

Under the Staff module, user can 

  • Add New staff record
  • Click on the name of the staff to view the staff record details
  • Under ACTION, access Timecard, PTO, Absence information and Notes


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Camp: (When enabled)

Camp enrollment and management are different from regular preschool enrollment.  1Core has a module to cater to the special requirements for camp in childcare.

Under the Camp module, user can 

  • Setup Camp and Sessions 
  • Publish unique Camp registration URL for online registration
  • Manage various aspects of the camp online registration, including eSign





Under the Communication module, user can communicate with their parents and staff by email or text (if enabled as an add-on service)

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    Note: Beside email and texting, user can also communicate with parents via mobile app messaging when the 1Core mobile apps are enabled.

    1Core mobile app two-way messaging option for Classroom Staff and Parents


Program Enrollment:

Program setup and program enrollment are very foundational to the 1Core application.

Under the Program Enrollment module, user can 

  • Manage the various stages of the enrollment process 
  • Easily “Send Enrollment Offer” to families to eSign


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To learn more about Program Enrollment setup and usage, see 1Core Program Enrollment User Guides.



Online Forms:

Online Forms allow the user to manage all related forms and documents for your center, all online. Online forms/documents can be uploaded either by the Director or the parents via the Family Portal.

Under the Online Forms module, user can 

  • Add / edit Forms for parents to download and complete through family portal.
  • Click on the “9 dots” to view Parent uploaded Forms / Mandatory Form status.

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All uploaded online forms and documents can be accessed via the Family or Child record. The online form and document can be downloaded and printed with a single click.

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The Setup page contains various setup/configurations for various modules in 1Core.  For each module to work properly, all the required setup must be done.

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1Core offers various functions within the application.  Many of the functions allow user to perform the task as a group / batch. Examples are as follows:

  • Batch Ledger Posting based on Transaction type / Families / Classroom
  • Batch Program Update / Revise Program Fee
  • Group Sign in/Out

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1Core comes with a large selection of standard reports under the “Reports” tab.

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Note: If you don’t see the report you need, you can try downloading the raw data into Excel in order to create your own report.  The path to download data:

Functions à Download à Data Download - Family and Child 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


  1. How do I update the email preference for and switch from Single to Multiple ledgers for families?

         User can update the ledger type and email preference by going under Family’s profile and editing the Family info tab.



  1. Where can a user view the updates made by a parent through Family Portal and 1Core Family app?


Updates made by parents via Family Portal or 1Core Family app can be viewed under Functions àFamily Record à View Updates made via Family Portal



  1. How can I access Authorized person ID code for a family?

Please refer the links below for more information.

Authorized Person Code


  1. How to add a new program for an existing child record?

Please refer the links below for more information

Add Program and Billing to an Existing Child 


  1. How to void ledger and add manual postings?

         By default, the ledger void and manual postings options will be enabled for location Directors and Company Admins.

Steps to void ledger item:

  • Goto Families
  • Select Ledger under ACTION
  • Find the posting, and select Void 

Note: Postings that are voided cannot be reverted back.



1Core is designed to post recurring tuition entries automatically to the ledger.  If you need to post ledger item manually (e.g. field trip charge), follow the steps below:

  • Select Families
  • Select Ledger under ACTION
  • Select + Post Ledger Item button
  • Enter the details and select “Post


  1. How to do a Batch Posting for families?

Batch postings can be done in 3 different ways. A user can add Batch posting either by Family (or) transaction type (or) per classroom.

Please refer the link below for more information

Batch Postings by Family / Transaction Type / Classroom 


  1. How to add a subsidy (agency) payment posting to a family ledger?

The Agency Posting function is designed to help the user allocate the Agency Payment to the respective children and complete the posting.

Please refer the links below for more information


  1. Do parents receive email notification for failed payments? Is there a cc option for this notification?

Email notification will be sent automatically to the parents and a copy of the same will be sent to the email id mentioned under the location information.

If the users need additional person to receive the copy, it can be added under the specific email template. 

Note: The Email template Management setup is available under the Company Dashboard setup and can be accessed only by Company Super User and Company Admin Role users. Location Director will not have this access.

  1. How to send Batch Email for parents and staff?

Batch Emails / Reminder Email / Account statements can be sent to parents and staff through the Communication tab.

Please refer the links below for more information


  1. How do parents to update their email from the 1Core Family Portal?

Parents can update their email directly by logging in to their 1Core Family account either through the 1Core Family Portal (web) or the 1Core Family mobile app.

Access Path: Login to Family Portal--> Select Families --> Update Email and Save.

After when the email is updated, they can login with the updated email.


  1. How does a user perform Group sign out / Missing sign out?

Admin users can do group sign out as well as missing sign out under “Functions” 

Please refer the links below for more information


  1. Can a user update all the programs in a batch?

A user can update all the programs using the Batch program update functionality.

Please refer the links below for more information

Batch Program Update 


  1. What is a user role and how do we add a new Role?

1Core is a role-based access system.  Each user is assigned a role which determines what the user can or cannot do.  The system comes with a list of standard roles that can be used readily.  If needed, the user can add new customized roles.  

Note: A new role can be added only by the Company Admin. 

Please refer Role Management Purpose and Setup for more information.


  1. Can you carbon copy (CC) someone in Batch Email?

While sending batch emails from the system, the cc option to receive a copy of the email can be checked and a copy will be sent to only the login sender.

Note: Adding additional CC (Classroom staff email) for regular Batch email is under development.

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  1. What happens when parents reply to the batch email?


Reply to batch emails the system will assign the sender user’s email by default.

For instance, if a Company Admin user sends a batch email, then the email associated under the Company Admin’s profile will be assigned as the “reply to” email by the system.


  1. Can the content in the system generated email template be modified?


Yes.  All the system defined templates can be found by going through the below mentioned path:

Access Path: Company Dashboard --> Setup-->Email Template Management

Multi center companies will have the “Customize for center” option that can be used to customize the template any specific center.

Only Company Admin and Company Super User will be able to access the Email template setup.

Since the email template setup is designed under the Company level, it will not be available for any Location Directors users.

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