1. Introduction 

Enrollment and Financial Projection Details is a detailed monthly report of the center's enrollment and finances based on the child's enrollment and withdrawal date. This report includes the Active, Incoming, Covid-19, and Inactive children present in the center.  

This report is a detailed extension(monthly) of the Enrollment and Financial Projection Report.

2. Group By 

You can generate enrollment and financial projection report with 'Three Group By' filters. 

1. Age Group 

2. Classroom

3. Program 

3. Incoming and Withdrawal 

You can view the details and count of incoming and withdrawal child(ren) for the month. Incoming and Withdrawal status is based on the child's enrollment and withdrawal date. 

Detailed view of new joining (incoming) children,

Detailed view of withdrawing children,

4. Detailed Program Schedule and Fees

Using this report, you can view the detailed program schedule of the children (Program, scheduled days, FTE) and their fee details. 

5. FAQ


5.1. Will the children count match enrolled count in enrollment and financial projection details report?

Since the enrollment and financial projection details report is based on the child's enrollment start and withdrawal date, the child count will match the enrolled count perfectly in the enrollment and financial projection details report.   

5.2. Is the 'Total Enrolled' count inclusive of 'Children joining that month' and Children withdrawing that month'?

Yes, the 'Total Enrolled' count is inclusive of both 'Children joining that month' and 'Children withdrawing that month'.