Children Summary by Program End date is used to find out the children who are all having their program end date in the selected period of time and this report is based on the 'Program start and end date'. 

This will help you to find the future opening slots in the programs and prepare you for future enrollment works 

Access Path : Center Dashboard > Reports > Children Summary by Program End Date

Based on the program date, this report includes children with active, inactive, covid-19, and incoming status.



1Core has provided two types of filters to this report,

            1. Program to be Completed in ___ Days.

            2. By date.

Program to be Completed in___ Days 

You can use this filter to find out the children who are all having the 'Program End Date' in the given within-days range.

By Date

You can generate a report for a specified date range using this 'By Date' filter.