1. Offering Enrollment to the parent(s)
You can send program enrollment offers to parents using the 'Sent Enrollment Offer' option on the Program Enrollment page.
1.1. New Family Enrollment
Upon selecting the 'Send Enrollment Offer' button, you will be taken to the 'Send Enrollment Offer' page. You can enroll new families into the center's program using the 'New Family' option on this page.
After selecting the family type, you will be taken to the Parent and Children Info sections of the Family Info page.

On the program section, fill out the program details (Enrollment Start Date, Child Age Group, Program to Offer, Program Schedule and Assign Classroom).
Note: On the 'Program' section, you can select the enrollment start date. However, once you have sent the enrollment offer, you cannot edit the enrollment start date using the Children page (only for the first enrollment). You can edit the enrollment start date for subsequent program enrollments.
On the Fees Info, you can configure all the fees for a child (Tuition, Discount, Subsidy billing, etc.,)
You can add a tuition discount using the fixed rate and percentage of the existing tuition amount.

After optimizing the tuition and other fees for the program, you can view the confirmation page before sending the enrollment.
1.2. Existing Family Enrollment Offer
You can also send enrollment offers to existing families using the 'Existing Family' option on the Send Enrollment Offer.
The Parent and Child Info will be auto-populated in the respective places. You can also edit the info at this point.
You can configure the Fees, Discount, and Agency on this Fees Page. You can also provide discounts on the Agency Fee using the 'Add Discount' button.
Using the Fees page, you can also configure the Subsidy status of the family and select the agency details, agency fees, and discount on the agency fees.
For Multiple Ledger Family :
Earlier, we discussed the 'Send Enrollment Offer' process for single ledger families (new and existing). Now, let's review the 'Send Enrollment Offer' process for multiple ledger families.
On the Family Info page, you can select the family type.
For a New Family, you need to enter the parent(s) and child details. You can also configure a family as a split family using the 'Split Family' option.
For an Existing Family, you need to select a family from the 'Select Family' drop down and choose the parent to invite to enroll.
Select the Enrollment Start Date, Child Age Group, Program to Offer, Program Schedule, and Classroom details.
On the Fees page, you can configure the Fee details of the program.
For the Single Family Payment: The billing and payment will be the sole responsibility of Parent #1.
When Parent Split Payment, they can do that in two ways.
1. Each Parent Makes Full Payment in Alternate Period
2. Parents Split Payment in Each Period
When Parent Splits the payment, you can configure the percentage split of the payment for each parent.
Note : If the center is not enabled with eSignature, then you will be taken to confirm & send page after the Fees page.
If the center is mapped with multiple eSign documents, you will be taken to the Select Enrollment Agreement page after the Fees page.