1. Family - Made Email IDs Unique

1Core has made the parent's email IDs unique within a center to avoid family duplication. So you cannot use the same email ID for more than one parent while adding/editing a family, sending program enrollment offers, and on the camp module within a center

Same email address can be used in different centers.

The Family Acct Key given in the error message is hyperlinked. So by selecting the Family Acct Key (Here: ASCHKAR), you can visit the family which currently uses the entered email ID.

2. Children - Time Card 

1Core has upgraded its child time card page with a new user interface. Now you can view the sign in/out time and classroom movements with ease. 

Two new tabs have been added to the page - 'Time Clock' & '1Core Class'

Time Clock - Child's sign in/out timing(s), Authorized Person details, and hours details (Initiated via 1Core Web, 1Core Attend, Health Screening, and 1Core Family).

1Core Class - Classroom movement history (Initiated via 1Core Class App)

Record Absence

Record Absence has been upgraded with new looks.

3. Ledger - Ledger Records

1Core has added a new filter labeled 'Transaction Type' to filter the ledger history (Tuition Charges/Other Charges/Credit/Payment/Balance Forward/All).

Access Path: Center Dashboard > Ledger > Select Any Record 

Only for the Transaction Type -  'All': You'll get to view the balance column at the right and Today's Balance details at the bottom. 

For 'Other Transaction Types' (Tuition Charges/Other Charges/Credit/Payment/Balance Forward), you won't get to view the balance column and Today's Balance details. 

4. Staff - PTO

Now you can view all activated 'PTO Types' and respective balances on the 'Staff PTO page'.

5. Program Enrollment - Online E-Signature 

Now, you can resend the enrollment offer for parent signature(s) and copy the 'Enrollment Offer URL' for the purpose of parent #2 signature.

5.1. Resend the Enrollment Offer

For pending signature status by any one of the parents, you can resend the enrollment offer to them for reminding missing signature(s). 

5.2. Copying Enrollment offer URL 

Once parent #1 completes the enrollment offer, the concerned child enters into the 'Enrolled' or' Incoming' tab of the program enrollment page based on their enrollment start date. 

If the assent of parent #2 is necessary for a child and it is still pending even after the child status is moved to 'Enrolled' or 'Incoming, you can now send the 'Enrollment Offer URL' to parent(s) for the reminder. 

Note :  The 'Copy Enrollment Offer URL for Parent #2' option is not limited to centers with Online eSignature enabled.  

5.3. Enrolled Family page

Earlier, if the child is enrolled in multiple programs then the eSign Documents details were shown in two separate sections 'Signed Documents' and 'Other Documents'. 

Now, it has been modified to show as a single section with more elaborate details about the documents. 

Access Path : Center Dashboard > Program Enrollment > Enrolled Tab 

6. Setup - Daily Meals and Snacks Tracking 

You can now set 'Automatic Meals & Snacks Tracking Update' for your centers using the 'Meals and snacks items setup' option from the 'Setup' module.

Once this option is enabled, the meals and snacks servings will be automatically updated on the 'Daily Meals and Snacks Tracking' page under the 'Functions' module based on the center's timings. 

You can also opt for email notification of the tracking update to directors and others. 

Access Path : Center Dashboard > Setup > Center and Child >Meals and Snacks Items Setup

7. Functions - Data Download - Family and Child

New filter and data fields have been added to the 'Data Download -Family and Child' feature.

Access Path : Center Dashboard > Functions > Download > Data Download - Family and Child

New Filter - Child Tag ( Using this, you can optimize the status of children)

Data Field - Family Type (Subsidized or Non - Subsidized)

8. Communication 

8.1. General Email To Parents

Now you can use the 'Child Tag' (set in the child profile) as a filter option for the 'General Email to Parents' feature. 

8.2. Payment Reminder to Parents


Now, 1Core allows the center directors and admin staff to send reminder emails to the parents who have 'Outstanding Balances'. 

Access Path : Center Dashboard > Communication > Payment Reminder To Parents

After selecting the family(s), select the next button from the bottom of the page to move to the 'Compose Email' page. On the 'Compose Email' page, you can edit the 'Subject' and 'Contents' of the email as per your wish using the editors. 

On the 'Confirmation page, check the recipient(s) and contents & then select the 'Send' button at the bottom to send the email to parent(s). 

Related Articles:


New Reports

1. Enrollment Availability Chart

2. Child Listing by Tags

Enhanced Reports 

1. Child Immunization / Physical Health Exam Report

2. Child Time Card with Absences

3. Child Sunscreen Application Log

4. Classroom / School Directory w Address

5. Sign In/Out Sheet

6. Classroom / School Directory w Schedule

7. Child Time Card Report

8. Children Currently Checked In