1. Company Dashboard

1.1. Enhancement - Activities Approval Status

1Core has added a new activities approval status option on the 'User Management' page. Using this option, you can modify the activities approval status for individual staff.

Access Path : Company Dashboard > Users

 If an 'Approval Required' is set as 'Yes', then they need approval for their activities (Posted using 1Core Class App). If it is set as 'No', such activities will be automatically approved and published without any intervention and moderation by the director or admin staff. 

Note :  To enable this feature to your center,  contact '1CoreSolution Customer Service'.

Once 'Activities Approval Required' is enabled for this company, the Approval Required for all activities will be set as 'Yes' by default for all classroom role and staff users. So you need to configure this manually to give individual permission. 

2. 1Core Class App

2.1. Pending Activities 

Directors can turn on 'Required' status for activities (partly or whole) for any staff or classroom user role. Those who have 'Required' activities turned on will have a separate section labeled 'Pending Activities' on their collapsible main menu. 

Create - Activity (Needs Approval)

View - Pending activity

Click the 'Pending Activities' option from the collapsible main menu,

2.2. Activity Approval 

Classroom Admin or Director with requisite permission to approve an activity can give approval to the pending activities. 

You can reach the pending activities page via the collapsible main menu of the 1Core Class App. On the pending activities page, you can edit/approve/delete the submitted activity. The Activity will not be posted to Family App until it is approved by Admin Users or Director.

3. 1Core Web

3.1. View Activity  - Classroom Activities Page


You can now view the activity approval status (Pending/Approved) on the 'Classroom Activities' page.

Access Path : Center Dashboard > Classroom Activities

3.2. View Activity  - Children Module 

You can also view the approved and pending activities for individual children from the 'Children' module. 

3.3. View Activity - Reports

You can also view the pending and approved classroom activities using the Daily Activity / Activity Library Reports. 


Daily Activities

Activity Library

On the Activity Library page, you have a filter option to filter the classroom activities based on their 'Approval Status'