This report helps you to prepare a holistic report on child immunization history & missing and physical health expiration reports. You can generate this report based on the child status and classroom. 

You can generate three types of reports using this feature :

1. Immunization History Report  :

Using this option, you can generate a sheet that has children's details (Name, Age, DOB) and all immunization types (DtaP, Polio, Hep A, etc). You can manually enter the immunization status of each vaccine in the space provided.

2. Immunization Missing Report :

Using this option, you can generate a sheet that has the information regarding the immunization due of children.

3. Physical Health Exam Expiration :

This option helps you to generate physical exam expiration report with three different parameters.

I. Report on 'Upcoming' physical health exam expiry for children 

II. Report on children with 'Already' expired physical health exam 

III. Report of children who are all with missing expiration date