1. Contact Management
1.1. Name Change
1Core has renamed the 'Authorized Person' feature into 'Contact Person'.
1.2. Functional Changes in the 'Contact Person' aka 'Authorized Person'
The Authorized, Emergency, and Additional Pickup contact details have been captured separately till now. This was causing unnecessary duplication of records when the same contact was to be selected as authorized/emergency i.e. more than one contact type.
This has now been fixed/enhanced by grouping all these contact types into a single form called ‘Contact Person’. Please see below the list of the changes related to this enhancement:
When a parent is added to the system, the parent will be automatically added to the authorized person list and as an emergency contact.
- A new section ‘Contact Persons’ is added to the Child page.
- A Sign in code will now be automatically generated for all new contacts added as ‘Authorized’ contact type and an email notification will be sent.
- Contacts added to the child page will be displayed under the Contact Person page also and vice versa.
- These contacts are now moved at the family level, so contacts added to a child can be imported to other child(ren) in that family.
Selecting the 'Add Contact' button will open the 'Add contact person' pop-up where you can provide details of the contact person you want to add.
In the 'Please designate the role of this Contact Person' section, you need to provide the relationship of the contact person to the child, emergency contact person authorization, the status of authorized pickup, and notes (not mandatory).
On the Relationship drop-down, select the relationship of the contact person to the child, and in the Is Emergency Contact drop-down, select the order of precedence of the emergency contact. You can set the designate the 'Authorized Pickup' status in the 'Authorized to pick up the child?' drop-down.
Note : The parent 1 & 2 both will be automatically added as 'Authorized Pickup Person' and 'Emergency Contact'. And those who are all Emergency #6 and beyond are designated as 'Additional Contact Persons'.
1.3.Enhancements in the Send Enrollment Offer flow due to 'Contact Person' Change
Since the 'Contact Person' flow has been modified, the connected flow in the 'Send EnrollmentOffer' also gets changed. You can now designate 'Authorized', and 'Emergency' contact types in the 'Send Enrollment Offer' flow itself.
On the Add Contact Person pop-up, enter the details of the contact person and their status as 'Emergency Contact Person' and 'Authorized Pickup'. You can also send the Family App invite to the contact persons who are all designated as 'Authorized Pickup'.
For Existing Families, you can Copy Contact from their already available Contact Persons.
1.4. Impacted Reports due to the change in the 'Contact Person' (aka Authorized Person)
Since the change in the 'Contact Person' (erstwhile 'Authorized Person' feature) is major, it reflects in the reports that are related to the 'Contact Person'.
List of impacted reports,
1. Family Information Sheet
2. Child Allergy Report
3. ID Code by Authorized Person
4. ID Code by Classroom
5. Children Currently Checked In
6. Children Sign In Report by Time and Date Range
7. Sign Out (Late Pick-up) Report
8. Failure to SignOut
9. Center Attendance Summary
10. Child Timecard Report
‘Data Download’ is also impacted due to the 'Contact Person' changes.
Note : Similarly, other pages like Summer Camp and 1Core Family App which involves the Authorized/Emergency/Additional contact details are also updated to reflect the latest changes.
2. Hide/Unhide Features
2.1. Immunization Details center-wide
For various purposes, child immunization details have been shown in various places at the center level.
Currently, you're able to view the medication/immunization reminder on the center dashboard, child profile page, immunization due reminder to parents on the communication page, and Immunization report on the reports page.
Now, 1Core has provided an option to hide/unhide the immunization details center-wide.
Access Path : Center Dashboard > Setup > Center and Child > Immunization Setup
If you opt to display the immunization details center-wide and use the features that rely on the immunization records, new options are introduced to configure the level of data that you collect regarding child immunization.
2.2. Child Physical Health Exam Date in the Send Enrollment Offer
1Core has made the 'Child Physical Health Exam Date' data collection feature on the 'Send Enrollment Offer' flow optional. You can now hide the 'Child Physical Exam Date' column with the help of the '1Core Support Team'.
Flow with 'Child Physical Health Exam Date'
Flow without 'Child Physical Health Exam Date'
2.3. Insurance Details in the Send Enrollment Offer
Now, you can hide/unhide the 'Insurance Details' from the send enrollment offer by contacting the 1Core Support Team.
Enrollment Offer With Insurance Details,
Without Insurance Details,
3. Enhancements
3.1. Post Ledger Item Pop-up
Now, you can view the child's status along with the child's name in the 'Post Ledger' pop-up.
Access path : Center Dashboard > Ledger > Select a Family > Post Ledger Item
3.2. Enrollment Offer Mail Template
Earlier there was only one template for Enrollment Offer Mail for both new and existing families. Now, 1Core has introduced separate mail templates for new and existing families in the company-level setup.
Access Path : Compnay Dashboard > Setup > Others > Email Templates Management > Parent
On the Email Template Management page, go to the 'Parent' tab and scroll down to the Program Enrollment section where you can able to see the newly created templates for the 'New and Existing' family.
3.3. Family Program Registration Invite
Earlier, on the send enrollment offer flow, the parent needs to choose an employer from the available list (configured by the center). If there is no suitable employer name (company name), parents need to choose the 'Other' option.
Now, 1Core has given a new 'Text Box' on the Employer field. Parents can type in their employer's name and the system will record that employer's name into the system. Next time, when another parent tries to enter their employer's name, the system will auto-populate the available list of employers in a pop-up (List of employers which were fed into the system in the past by various parents and families).
3.4. Children and Staff Page
To improve the user experience, 1Core has uncluttered the Children and Staff page by introducing new 'Tri-Dot' action icons on the children and staff pages.
Children page,
Staff page,
3.5. Staff Hours Summary Report
New 'AM' and 'PM' columns have been introduced in the 'Staff hours summary report'. A.M hours are calculated from 00:00 hrs to 12:00 Hrs and P.M Hrs are called from 12:01 Hrs to 23:59 Hrs.
3.6. Center Dashboard
1Core has done a user interface upgrade in the 'Child Attendance' section of the Center Dashboard.
Earlier, there was no section-wise total on the tabs available on the child attendance page. Now, you can see section-wise total details on the tabs.
Note : Earlier, the child attendance data tile were shown in the 'Child Attendance' page as like in the Center Dashboard.Now,it has been removed from the 'Child Attendance' page.
3.7. Child Attendance
1Core revamped the 'Attendance Detailed Summary Pop-up' of the 'Child Attendance' page. Now, the sign-in/out details and classroom movement details and its user interface will be as same as the 'Child Time Card'.
3.8. Child Time Card
1Core has added a new option to view the Child's Upcoming Absence on the Child Time Card page. By default, the 'Upcoming Absence for the Child' link will be in the collapse position. You need click the 'Upcoming Absence(s) for the child' link to view the future absence or upcoming absence of the child.
The record of the upcoming absence will be the same, regardless of the 'Selected Date Range' filter. i.e., You'll be able to view the 'Upcoming Absence(s) for the child' irrespective of the 'Selected Date Range' filter result.
3.9. Child Participants Count
Earlier, there was only 'Less than 100Hrs Format' present for the Child Participants Count. Now, 1Core has added 'Less than 50 Hrs Format' report type to give a more comprehensive aspect to the feature.
4. Introduction
4.1. Bank Reconciliation Report at Company Level
1Core has introduced Bank Reconciliation Report at Company Level. So you can now view the Bank Debits and Credits for the whole company on a single page with center-wise debits, credits, and other charge break-ups.
Access Path : Company Dashboard > Reports > Payment Reconciliation > Bank Deposits Reconciliation Report
4.2. Announcements
1Core introduces 'Announcements' at Company Level to announce important messages to the centers for all roles including 'Parents'.
Access Path : Company Dashboard > Functions > Manage Announcements
Create - Announcements
Select the 'Add New' button from the 'Manage Announcements' page to create a new announcement
Announcements are based on the start and end dates set at the company level. The Announcements will be shown to all users (based on the center and role selection).
You can type in your message and insert links in the 'Message Editor'.
Announcement Shown to the users at the center level,
4.3. Child Emergency Contact/Authorized Contact Report
This report provides the details of the child's emergency contact details, doctor details, child information, Authorized pickup, and parent/guardian details. You can generate this report for your whole center.
Access Path : Center Dashboard > Reports > Family and Child > Child Emergency Contact/Authorized Contact Report