To add merchandise to your childcare center's camp or events, create a merchandise setup during the camp creation process. 

Access Path : Center Dashboard > Camp > Add Camp 

On the Add Camp wizard menu, the final option is the 'Merchandise' option. With this option, you can specify the price of your merchandise, provide a billing description, and set criteria for purchasing the merch. 

Sales Tax: If the merchandise is subject to state and local sales tax, you can specify the amount or percentage of the sales tax in the "Is Sales Tax Applicable?" option.

Purchasing Merchandise Criteria: If you want to require the purchase of merchandise, you can make it mandatory using the "Are Parents Required to Purchase Merchandise?" option.

If you want participants to purchase the merchandise once for the entire camp or for each session in the camp, you can choose "The Camp" or "Individual Sessions" for the "Merchandise Applicable For" option to optimize your settings.

For the "Merchandise Applicable For" option:

  • Select "The Camp" if participants are only required to purchase the merchandise once for the entire camp.
  • Select "Individual Sessions" if participants are required to purchase the merchandise for each session they enroll/register in at the camp.

If you need further assistance, please feel free to contact our support team. Check out our merchandise help video for a visual guide on setting up your merchandise.